Saturday 25 June 2022

Alma Cogan

Here we have a Swedish release of Alma's early seems that they have cranked up the orchestra on the first track and went for a cup o'tea !!..leaving poor Alma to battle with the just shows you that the little man twiddling the knobs in the control room is sometimes needed !!

          4. Fly Me To The Moon


  1. Você. Tem bom gosto para músicas

  2. Isso é que é música

  3. Hi Anon...Boa noite para você também .. obrigado por seus comentários gentis ... feliz que você está gostando da música ... continue procurando mais por vir !! .... saúde Luigi ..

  4. Thanks so much for the music. She died too young.
    If it's possible could you repost her other albums.
    Thanks again.

  5. When Alma died of breast cancer Stan Foster took on the task of finishing her final album (this one). Their songs together include "There's A Time and A Place," "It's You," (produced by George Martin) and "Now That I've Found You," produced by Andrew Loog Oldham. Paul McCartney composed what would later become 'Yesterday' on Alma's piano in her flat on Kensington High Street at 3am - after her mum had cooked them scrambled eggs.

  6. Hi Andrew...Thanks for your informative comment much appreciated...I guess it will interest quite a few people as well so thanks again and cheers....Luigi
