Saturday 18 February 2023

Missing Comments HELP!

 I wonder if anyone can help with the problem of my missing comments and links !!...its been happening now for a couple of weeks....sent a msg to Blogger but they have not answered me yet...what happens is on some of my posts (not all of them) the comment with the link is there when I check it...but after a while it disappears....It seems that Blogger (BOTS) have flagged it as SPAM ! is easy to get it back by clicking on the tick that indicates that it is not SPAM......but still the people can't download the file because the link is not there....I have done everything that the instructions says about publishing the files and clicking the tick for it not being Spam...But am I missing something !!!!.....It has also happened to my other Blogs so I have to go on to them and make sure that the files are not flagged as Spam....I does seem a bit strange that it does not happen to every post and the time that it takes for the comment to disappear....because I check on how many people have downloaded the file before it's gone and there are many people that have downloaded the file.
I have also Googled the problem but nothing very precise about what to do except follow the instructions on Blogger which I have done...All Very Strange !.....any any info would be appreciated thanks....Cheers Luigi...


  1. try using youtube for info on the subject, there is a wealth of info there.

  2. Dude, I have a blog also via "Blogger". It is not a prefect system, by any means. You just have to keep on with the double checking, which you already do & that's it. There are other alternatives out there, but if you're anything like me, you just don't have the time nor energy to explore those.
    Best of luck & keep on. Your blog is one of the better ones existing.

  3. Wish I could help. My small blog gets very few comments.
    Enjoy coming here and thank you!
