Friday 24 March 2023

Vikki Carr

 Here's a Re-post from Right Angle.... link had expired so I guess I shall be re-posting them on here.....

If you hadn't guessed yet we have been wandering around John's Record Store in "Jolly Old New York" and a great lot of L/P's I have found.....Vikki Carr at her best giving us a very varied set of songs with some Spanish ones as well !!!...In fact nearly all of them are the English versions of Spanish songs....Still if you were born "Florencia Bisenta De Castillas-Martinez Cardona "..Then why Not  !!!....This is one of Vikki's Best !!
Sooooooo with this final one I'll get my coat on and make the long trek home !!!..Carpet's still dusty and wants a beating and an airing on the line !!!....and Ruby Trainers need cleaning !!...So look forward to some Re-Posts above !!

1. Laia Ladaia
2. Goin' Out Of My Head
3. Toys
4. Meditation
5. Pretty Butterfly
6. Carnival

1. Mas Que Nada
2. Call Me
3. Once
4. The Constant Rain
5. Fly Away
6. Forgetting You

            6. Carnival