Sunday 23 April 2023

The Importance Of Being Ernest

 I should imagine that quite a number of people might be thinking at this point "What the hell is a couple of "Spoken" L/P's doing on a Music Blog" !!....Well now Hummmmmmmm let me think !!...No idea !! except "Variety is the spice of life"!!!!....AND there's not many places that you can listen to a "British Sir & Dame" squashed between "Dusty Springfield" & "The Hi-Lo's" !!!...Go on give it a download you might enjoy it !!!!!!...
You have of course on the cover of L/Ps No 1 "The Dame" and No 2 is of course "The Sir" !!!

This post is from April here it is again but not in the same composition as before...I have managed to join all the sides into one file that lasts over 1 Hour 30 it will like a Podcast or a Radio today we have loads of topical Talking Platforms and Podcasts that only involves talking and listening so if you are a Radio Play or Podcast enthusiast this could be a treat for you...Like a Blog Podcast !!..A reminder how we British used to talk in bygone days.... you won't hear an "Ee By Gum" or a 
"Ay Up Me Duck"  !!!.........So if you have a hour and a half to spare and do nothing.. put your feet up and listen !!


  1. Many greetings espo
    Thanks for this great album collection and for all the effort& time you put in this blog
    I wish you and all your loved ones all what's good in this world an far above
    Many greetings also from Bob and me
    Thanks for all the years and music
