Wednesday 21 June 2023

Easy Williams

 A singer on the turntable now...who definatley needs to be heard...not much info about her even with the strange first name you would have thought that they would have made some mark !

Easy Williams hits all the notes for me! I've listened to it in full (and finding songs on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. has proven completely fruitless.  She's got a similar sound to Julie London, which took me by surprise! Sexy, sensuous, and smoky. Less smoky than Julie, but it's definitely there! Not a bad song on the entire album. It looks like, from what I've been able to gather (and there's barely a thing out there on the internet about her) that this might have been her only album?..... ( Info Edited From Steve Hoffman Music Forums )...Thanks Nathan !

1. Easy Street
2. Where There's Smoke There's Fire
3. Mean To Me
4. Sometimes I'm Happy
5. Judy
6. Whisper on The Bayou

1. Easy Come Easy Go
2. I Wanna Be Loved
3. Your Not The Kind
4. Woman Needs So Little
5. Three Little Words
6. I'm a Dreamer Aren't we All

         6. I'm A Dreamer Aren't We All