Tuesday 25 July 2023

Deleted Links !!!

 Hi Everybody...It seems that the deleted link problem has not been resolved...I thought that it had but as you can see all the links of the posts that I posted yesterday were flagged as Spam....tried everything been everywhere followed instructions ! changed wording ! but nowhere can I find what is happening so it looks like I have to come back the next day and tick the tick that say that the comment is not SPAM !!...so if there is no link on the post when you see it come back later and it will probably be there !!...be great if someone else has had the same problem and resolved it....but no one seems to have had the problem...if you or you know of anyone out there who has had the problem tell them to get in touch.....all you TECHIE'S out there can you help...the links are ok and working ok once you tick the tick that says it is not SPAM !!!!....TA ! 

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