Sunday 9 July 2023

Help Wanted !!!

 Hi Folks....I wonder if anyone has any idea's about my ongoing problem ???.....NOW it seems that every comment that I make that includes the link is getting flagged as SPAM, and are being deleted till I tick the tick that say's they are not...then they are reinstated immediately....this used to happen once in a while so it was not really a problem...which even now it's not..BUT it's now getting annoying that every comment is being Flagged as the AI Botts !!....
This has now been going on for months and I have tried all the things that are suggested but no luck.....I sent the problem to Blogger Help & Blogger Forum many times but have had no response and no answers...Googled the problem but there does not seem to be anything on there that can help
I assume that probably somewhere there is a tick or a box to be ticked but I can't bloody well find if anyone has a suggestion be great if it can be solved.......I guess it's not much of a serious problem just as I said now every comment gets flagged hence comments about no Links...but come back next day and they will be there.....Hope someone can help....Cheers....Luigi


  1. Is it possible that it's because you only post this "👍 !" Maybe if you had a longer comment about the link?

  2. I did try different Emoji's but same...thanks for the idea will try it on the next couple of posts. and see what happens...Cheers Anon !

  3. I am keeping everything crossed !!.....out of the 5 posts I posted yesterday two had the Emoji for the link... the other three had words.....Soooooooooo maybe the AI Bott's don't like Emoji's !! because the two that had Emoji's were flagged as SPAM......So from now on NO Emoji's.....Simple solution why didn't I think of it....Thanks Annon. !!!....Cheers

  4. Previously anon: You're welcome!
