Saturday 25 November 2023

Caterina Valente

I think that this is a compilation of Caterina's singles....even tho' some of the titles are in English they are sung in French And German...Ah the wonders of the English Marketing Crew!!!!

1. Fever
2. I'm In Love
3. Bimbombey
4. Passion Flower
5. En Ukraine
6. Forever New

1. Eh Oh
2. Blue Train
3. Non e Cosi
4. Swingin' Sheperd Blues
5. Je n'avais Pas Compris
6. Ciao Ciao Bambina

          3. Bimbombey


  1. Early Singles From The Great Caterina Valente !

  2. She's a unique all round singer, dancer, actor. I'm sure, there is no one equal to her on the European scene.

  3. Tracklist in original languages

    01 39 de fiever (Fever)
    02 So-o-o eine Nacht (I'm In Love)
    03 Bim-bom-bey
    04 Rote Rosen werden blüh'n (Passion Flower)
    05 En Ukraine
    06 Liebe kommt und Liebe geht (Forever New)
    07 Le chapeau de palle (En Oh)
    08 Blue Train
    09 Non e Cosi
    10 Berger Blues (Swinging Shepherd Blues)
    11 Je n'avais pas compris
    12 Tschau Tschau Bambina (Ciao Ciao Bambina)

    1. Hi Annon..... Thanks for the original language track list...much appreciated ...cheers...Luigi

    2. "A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent." Greetings from Anonymous (Trafikuty)
