Wednesday 20 December 2023

Stan Kenton

Re-post in case you missed it the first time !...and are still curious !

 I wasn't going to post this L/P because even now having bought it 50 odd years ago It's still a mystery to me...Do I Like It ? well that has been going round my brain for the said 50 years !!
It really has no Melody but there is something fascinating about it....You can Compare it to a "Picasso" abstract painting  I suppose !!...Even the composer "Bob Graettinger" states on the back..."The Music Of "The City Of Glass" is primary abstract and non-objective"!!!...whatever that means !!....SOOOOO if you want a challenge and want something that is "Out Of This world"give it a listen and make a comment would love to hear what everyone thinks about it...or am I on my own thinking I might like it in another 50 years !!!.....It is a 10 inch L/P and only lasts for aprox 18 mins....

1. Entrance Into The City
2. The Structures
3. Dance Before The Mirror
4. Reflections


  1. Timmy6 November 2017 at 17:30
    Melody? Who needs to think in such terms??? Obviously, you dig this or you wouldn't be secind guessing your enjoyment about trying to plug it into a comfort zone. It's Stan. Wander around a little bit.
    Oh, and THANX!

  2. Daver8820 November 2017 at 23:39
    Many thanks Luigi for this & other fine posts. Your ambivalence about this recording was shared by many others, Capitol was reluctant to record it in the first place & Kenton apparently also had doubts. He was quoted as saying "Well, I tell ya, it was either the greatest music the band ever presented, or the biggest pile of crap we ever played, and I still do not know which."
    Part of the problem is i think that it sits uncomfortably between jazz & classical.
    Anyway i quite enjoy it & good on Kenton for pushing the musical boundaries.

  3. Unusual Piece of Jazz / Classical ? Music
    RE - POST

  4. A most interesting post and some challenging sounds. Will engage my little grey cells (or what’s left of them!). Well done and thanks.
