Friday 1 March 2024

A Little Night Music.( Broadway Production)

Isn't it a pity that when L/P's were first thought of and invented they didn't incorporate a video built in or on it !!...because as with most of the "Soundtracks" from Shows and films you can not appreciate them 100% unless you have actually seen the show in a theatre and the film in a cinema !!......As in the case of this L/P...It is a typical Broadway/West End performance...and there is only one song out of the show "Send In The Clowns" that has had any real impact...just about every good singer has had a go at it !!....I am sure that if I had seen the show these comments would be different !!.....Unfortunately the songs to me don't seem to have a life outside of the show....not like some of the previous show posts !!!

 1. Overture And Night Waltz
2. Now
3. Later
4. Soon
5. The Glamorous Life                           " Original Broadway Cast"
6. Remember
7. You Must Meet My Wife
8. Liaisons

1. In Praise Of Women
2. Every Day A Little Death
3. A Weekend In The Country
4. The Sun Won't Set
5. It Would Have Been Wonderful
6. Perpetual Anticipation
7. Send In The Clowns ****
8. The Millers Son
9. Finale
          15. Send In The Clowns


  1. Unknown13 October 2021 at 16:08
    Your thoughts about the music not being stand alone in this show are accurate BUT in the context of the show and storytelling they are brilliant. They are so connected to the story that they move it forward and explore character much more than the dull LLoyd Webber musicals etc. The song "You must meet my wife" is sung by a philanderer telling his longstanding mistress about his new and young wife. So much character information is passed to the audience in this song. Unlike the older Musicals who might have a song but it does nothing for the story - Lonely Goatherd, Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Stormy Weather etc.

    LUIGI13 October 2021 at 22:55
    Hi Unknown...Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated...your thoughts and comment just proves my point of about not being able to appreciate 100% of the music! songs! plots! of a Show or Film unless you have actually seen them...Thanks once again....Cheers Espo..

  2. The above two comments were made as you can see in 2021....this is a post from my other Music Blogs !!
    RE- POST
    Enjoy !

  3. Thank you Espo! I can't believe I've never heard this musical before. I'm a big Sondheim fan so thanks
    Your pal,
