Tuesday 12 March 2024

Aloha Hawaii

This L/P does not say who or what the Orchestra/Band is so I assume that it was made by session musicians...As you can see on the back sleeve it says " A Romantic Interlude In The Pacific"...so if you like Hawaiian Guitar music then this might be the one for you !!!

          9. King Kamehameh


  1. Thanks a lot so much for all your efforts with the music for us!

  2. I would also like to add my sincerest thanks for all your efforts with so much love for music! I have found so many new great artists through your site, liked most of your postings and found ALL of them highly interesting

  3. Hi Anon 1&2...Thanks for your kind comments...glad to be able to introduce you to some great sometimes forgotten singers that I feel should be more well known even if they are no longer with us ....Cheers.....Luigi
