Saturday 23 March 2024

Ethel Ennis

Once Again! a not very well known singer.. that is in the U.K..with a crystal clear voice and every track a gem highly recommended...if you like Ella, Sarah, Carmen, then give this L/P a listen I don't think you will be disappointed..The "Mr Wonderful" track equals "Peggy Lee's" version..

P.S. If any of you out there in the wide world want a new experience of a great singer then definitely give "Ethel" a chance !!

        9. Mr Wonderful


  1. Ethel Has A great Voice well Worth listening to !
    Enjoy !

  2. Love the blog. This woman is divine. Check out "This is Ether Ennis" she decided to stay home, not tour, and raise a family in Baltimore. Just as good as Sarah.

  3. Hi Dom..Thanks for your kind comment...cheers...
