Tuesday 26 March 2024

No Posts for a few days !

 No posts for a few days now it is time for me to concentrate on my 78.rpm blog....so if you want to hear some unusual music all on original shellac discs come and join me at ......
           https://78rp.blogspot.com......and awake some memories !!!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi DJ....glad you like the 78 blog.....it doesn't seem as popular as the 50's & 60's been going for a while but not many comments....But I enjoy doing it and listening to all the music of a bygone age so I will keep on with it..getting a bit difficult to get the 78's now but keep asking friends, and friends of friends (Does That Make Sense ) ! to check their garages and lofts as there must be loads that are just waiting to be discovered again !!!....Cheers....Luigi

  2. Hi espo and what about this site will you continue uploading here or won't it be done no more I liked this site a lot too the other site is good toobdontbget me wrong
