Sunday 19 May 2024

The Batchelors

These are not the original hit recordings of the Batchelors but I think they got into the studio and re-recorded them again

          1. Charmaine


  1. Enter the world of The Bachelors for the second time !

  2. Hi Luigi,
    For the first time I'm going to take issue with one of your magnificent comments! After listening to the sample and looking at the age of the record cover I believe that these ARE the original recordings.
    As you and your other readers are probably aware the Cluskey brothers and John Stokes the bass player had a falling out some years ago and magically there were then 2 'versions' of the Bachelors doing the rounds.
    I saw the 'John' version twice here in Melbourne back in the early 2000s and they were fabulous with Jonathan Young singing lead and the late Kevin Neill on guitar and vocals.
    Sadly Con Cluskey from the original line-up died a couple of years ago and apparently some acrimony still existed between John Stokes and the Cluskey brothers.
    As always - thanks for your hard work: it's appreciated.

  3. Hi Allan...Thanks for your informative Comment....I guess you are right I think that they are the original recordings...just checked the other "Charmaine" on the other posts of the Bachelors and it is the same...I guess that I was thinking about the sweepings strings of the Mantovani's version and got them mixed up...Thanks again for the comment...take care....cheers....Luigi
