Wednesday 16 March 2022

Bobby Crush.

We now have a "Singalong"....Do people these days have "Singalong Parties" !!!...
Once again it is what it is !! a load of popular songs old and new played on a piano and sung by supposedly loads of people....I think the "little man" was at the control of the buttons and slides of the recording console !!!...the vocal sound does not sound right to me !!...and as for the piano playing its ok but very much in the would have been better if the piano was featured first then the "Vocals"!!!!!....But I suppose it would then not be a "Singalong"!!
 "Tanktop" hope your dad enjoys this "Singalong" as well !!! 



  1. LOL...I think he will, Espo;)
    Thanks a lot, pal!

  2. As always - thank you!

    Boy, do I miss the days when center-parted hair was a thing.

  3. Hi Andrew...Thanks for your comment...I too miss my hair !!!!!...cheers take care !
