Wednesday 16 March 2022

Joseph Locke.

Don't know much about "Joseph" so here's what they say about him on "Wikepedia"

 Josef Locke (23 March 1917 – 15 October 1999) was the stage name of Joseph McLaughlin, an Irish tenor. He was successful in the United Kingdom and Ireland in the 1940s and 1950s.

Known as The Singing Bobby, he became a local celebrity before starting to work the UK variety circuit, where he played 19 seasons in the northern English seaside resort of Blackpool. The renowned Irish tenor John McCormack (1884–1945) advised him that his voice was better suited to a lighter repertoire than the operatic one he had in mind, and urged him to find an agent—thus he found the noted impresario Jack Hylton (1892–1965) who booked him, but couldn't fit his full name on the bill, thus Joseph McLaughlin became Josef Locke.
He made his first radio broadcast in 1949, and subsequently appeared on TV programmes such as Rooftop Rendezvous, Top of the Town, All-star Bill and The Frankie Howerd Show. He was signed to the Columbia label in 1947, and his first releases were the two Italian songs "Santa Lucia" and "Come Back to Sorrento".

Now comes a strange and "Spooky" bit !!!
To my knowledge I have no recollection of buying or hearing his records when I was a teenager  I do recall knowing the name and are familiar with his recording of "Hear My Song"...and I doubt that I would have bought any of his records in the past...BUT !!..nearly all of the Irish tracks that is 13-24.... I knew all the words !!....Now that was a surprise to me and for the life of me I can't fathom out how I knew them !!!!.."Creepy Hey Wot" !!!
This is typical of the style of singers and music that was popular in the 40's early 50's I wonder how he would have been recieved today !!! (Vocal Wise)

          1. Hear My Song Violetta


  1. At first I thought it was Eddie Bracken, who played Roy Walley in "National Lampoon's Vacation".

  2. Cripes, a real rave from the grave back from the days when men sang like this to make women swoon, grow weak at the knees and . . . but I guess you know my drift.
    "Hear my song, Violetta
    Hear my song beneath the Moon
    Come to me in my gondola
    Waiting on the old lagoon"
    . . . poetry indeed. Thanks for this memory of those days of yore before we were liberated.

  3. A great singer!

  4. Hi Man...Thanks for your comment more raves from the graves to be re posted so keep popping back and see what come up !!...Thanks again...cheers....Luigi

  5. Hi Belgrave ! thanks for the comment..take care....Cheers....Luigi

  6. The Irish songs were real standards and they were recorded by John McCormack, Bing Crosby, Carmel Quinn etc. There is a movie about Josef Locke.

    Info on the movie "Hear my Song"
