Sunday 16 April 2023

Rondo Veneziano

I realy don't know much about this L/P...It Says on the cover "Top Hit In Italy" I wonder if it was a hit in England !!...Maybe year 2000 was the year I was asleep !!!...But I definatly like the music "Symphonic " with a beat !!!



  1. And again the link is dead, so sad, so sad, but thanks for your work! Can you repost please, thanks a lot for it!?

  2. Hi T.G....I am trying to find out how to disable the Automatic Spam Detector that Google is using to stop Spam in the comments...BUT unfortunatley for some reason Its flagging my comments as I had 48 comments flagged as spam...I just ticked them to say that they were not spam now they are visable everything is ok for today...cheers...Luigi

  3. Thank you for your engagements!
