Saturday 15 April 2023

Missing Comments and Links

 Regarding the file downloads......I have been having trouble with the Bots sometimes flagging my comments which contain the link to the download, so there is no comment on the post, and so what I have to do is everytime I come on to the computer is tick the comment to say it is not spam and it re-appears....if the link is there and you click it and get a 404 page saying that the file is not available then that means that the particular file has not been downloaded for 40 is what ImageNet says.....Time on Files unlimited as long as the file or image keeps downloading. If the file has not been downloaded within 40 days, it will be automatically deleted."
So if you want the download file then request it and I will re-post it for you...I am slowly going through the old posts and Re-Posting them but it does take a bit of time....Cheers

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