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Monday 27 June 2016

Barbra Streisand

Going over now across the channel to "Belgium" and a selection of "Bob's" Contributions....Ok its a bit early for Xmas but may as well get it in early...Just like the lights in "Oxford Street" they get earlier each year !!!


Thursday 23 June 2016

Seems I've come to the end of my "Borrowed" L/P's from friends and family so till I find some more people that are willing to lend me their "Dusty" L/P's that reside in their "Loft" or "Garages" (I'm trying hard but with not much success)....will do some Re-Posting and catch up with all of "Belgium Bob's" that he has sent and there is quiet a few  !!

P.S. When I said "Dusty" above I didn't mean "Springfield" I meant "Cobwebby Dusty and damp".....a couple of people have mis-interpreted  the "Dusty" Bit !!!