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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Laura Nyro.

 This L/P is a bit of an enigma to me.. (a) I don't know whether I like it or not it facinates me every time I hear it (b) Haven't a clue what it's all about or what the "Confession" is (c) there are some well known tracks on it and they are good...but why it's called what it is is a mystery to me....Anybody out there shed a little light be good to hear what other people think and say !!

P.S. I Do Like it !!...but it still puzzles me !!...even with a couple of the tracks lyrics printed on the back sleeve still a bit hard to perceive !!

1. Luckie
2. Lu
3. Sweet Blindness
4. Poverty Train
5. Lonely Women
6. Eli's Coming

1. Timer
2. Stoned Soul Picnic
3. Emmie
4. Woman's Blues
5. Once It Was Alright Now
6. December Boudoir
7. The Confession 

          8. Stoned Cold Picnic


  1. Blogger Terry Peck said...

    I believe this is what went through the mind of Eve after she had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then heard God walking through the Garden of Eden, realising that she was naked she wanted to hide herself (her body) but also her heart and soul from Eli. Eli means my God, so perhaps the song is saying - my God's, coming hide your heart girl, and since she sings 'girl' maybe the thoughts are being spoken to her or communicated to her from outside of herself. The serpent spoke to her in the garden and deceived her into believing that God was holding back something good from her and made her believe the knowledge of good and evil was a good thing and would make her more like God. The serpent was still speaking to her and that's what this song is about: it's the Spirit of Fear telling her to run from God and it's coming from something that wants to keep her from God and from trusting that he is good.

  2. Thanks to Terry...That gives us something to think about !....
    Enjoy !
