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Monday 16 September 2024

Caterina Valente

This L/P goes to the top of my list for fantastic orchestral arrangements if fact it has my top favourite singer singing my favourite song of all time "The Breeze And I"...friends of mine can't understand why I like singers singing in a foreign language they always say "can't understand what she is singing"so why me its the whole of the song if the singer is good and the orchestra is good and a good arrangement if you cant understand the words that's okay.....

P.S.This L/P contains the songs that began my number one fan status of "La Valente"....before I got this L/P I had quite a few songs on 78's then on 45's in fact I still have the 45's the 78's got broken years ago as everybody of my era knows they were very brittle and prone to getting broken usualy by people sitting on them !!...or dropping them....but these are some of the best early recordings of "Caterina's"....and I still play them today...wish I had a £ for every time this one has been on the turntable  I'd be a rich fella!!!!

    1. The Breeze And I


  1. Can you redo the download link? Please!

  2. A tribute to Caterina featuring some of the many languages that she could sing .
    Enjoy !
