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Friday, 4 February 2022

Alice Darr

Not much info about this great seems that this is was the only studio recording that she made...along side a live performance in France...But I guess that this is the same for all the forgotten singers of yesteryear..... that the information is sparse....I agree with the review below about the influence of Julie London....its a great find and well worth a listen !

Alice Darr is another forgotten voice in the world of Jazz. Along with a host of others of forgotten yet talented vocalists of the era of the 50' and early 60s (Jerri Winters, Helen Carr and Jeri Southern come to mind) , she was a low key but thoroughly professional singer that reminds one of Julie London by the way of Carmen McCrae. As far as I know this was her only recording she ever made and what a good one it is. The album was recorded in one day which is somewhat of a minor miracle in itself (.Miss Darr was probably thinking I may not get a second chance at this) on May 18th, 1962 at the famed A & R studios with an unknown ,at the time, Phil Ramone at the helm.. She sings 12 songs that even I ,who knows the Great American Songbook well, have never heard of. Not a standard in the bunch which by no means is a bad thing , just that one song tend to meld into another with out any great distinction. 4 of the songs were written by the guitarist on the date , the great Mundell Lowe ...... but Darr's singing is so apropos of the time she transcends the so-so songs into sweet poetry . George Duvivier 's bass is a nice support for her . As far as I know , the album is out of print , originally recorded on the Charlie Parker Record label........( Review Courtesy Of.......Daddyojazz )

1. I only Know How To Cry
2. Yes He's Gone
3. Love Does Funny Things
4. Leave me Alone
5. Under The Smile
6. There He Goes

1. The Lost And The Lonely
2. I Can't Find My Way Home
3. It's A Lonely World
4. Try Try Again
5. Seasons Lost Love
6. You're So Far Away From Me
Alice Darr with Dean Martin 

    2. I Can't Find My Way Home 



  1. Hi!

    Thanx for this one. Yup! A "new" artist here = "new" hears here too. Did a search & found some more info. here:

    & here:

    Her whole '62 album is available on YT if one wants to listen to decide on D/L'ing.

    Ciao! For now.

  2. Hi..RNTCJ...thanks for the Info and thanks for your comment good to see that someone is paying attention to the Comment Box !!...I love that when people do !!...cheers !!

  3. Could you repost the link for this. Thanks

  4. Hi is the repost of Alice Darr as requested...enjoy it it's a great one !...Cheers Luigi

    👍 !

  5. Don't know any of these songs, interesting.

  6. Hi Robert..Thanks for the comment..Its one of those records that the more you listen to it the better it becomes !!so enjoy the music ..cheers....Luigi

  7. Thanks for the comment Dom ! keep smiling and looking !...cheers..Luigi

  8. Just in case anyone is interested, here's my own effort regarding the matter:

    1. Dr Fu! I remember listening to your post and thank you to Luigi too! Have to go back SO interesting!
