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Saturday, 31 December 2022

Happy New Year for 2023 !!

 Thank you all the Guys and Gals that have made comments on this Blog during the last year....hope everybody had a good pleasant Xmas and everyone have a Great 2023.....Cheers....Luigi / Espo

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Helen Shapiro

This is a great L/P from "Helen" and if she was sixteen as the title say's her voice was very mature for her age...the songs are varied and her version of "I Want To Be Happy" is fantastic its just like the tracks from my other post of "Helens" "Straighten Up Fly Right" so give them both a listen and be amazed !!!

      5. I Want To Be Happy

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Lena Martell

Surprise!! Surprise!!...I really enjoyed this one ..Thanks to "Bob"....But I do love a "Live" performance you can't hide anything.... no little man in the booth messing about with the knobs covering up your "Bum" notes !!!...Can't see any date on the sleeve so don't know what year it could be...maybe someone out there could enlighten us !!...certainly the audience are appreciative and are enjoying themselves....Pity there is no info on the sleeve about "Lena" I believe that she is Scottish (I Think) doubt if she's not someone will correct me and perhaps fill in the gaps !!!.....Sorry seemed to have lost track 7/8 on side one !!!


Engelbert Humperdinck.

Talking of "Engelbert" here he is in person !!...also from the 60's with a selection of songs including one of his hits !! Title track of course !!...and I'll leave it at that and let the info on the back sleeve fill in the gaps!!!!

1. The Last Waltz
2. Dance With Me
3. Two Different Worlds
4. If It Comes To That
5. Walk hand In hand
6. A Place In The Sun 

1. Long Gone
2. All This World And The Seven Seas
3. Miss Eliane E S Jones
4. Everybody Knows
5. Nature Boy
6. To The Ends Of The Earth

        6. To The Ends Of The Earth

VA..Golden Songs 2

Another "Blast From The Past" with the Original Artists from the 60's....I'm sure this one will evoke some happy memories for a lot of people !!
Just an after thought !!..does'nt the last track "She Wears My Ring" sound like "Engelbert" !!!

1. Moon River...Danny Williams
2. The Wayward Wind...Frank Ifield
3. Walkin' Back To Happiness...Helen Shapiro
4. Speak Softly Love...Matt Monro 
5. Here There And Everywhere...Vince Hill
6. Stranfer On The Shore...Acker Bilk

1. The Carnival Is Over...The Seekers
2. Careless Hands...Des O'Conner
3. With These hands...Shirley Bassey
4. Stairway Of Love...Michael Holiday
5. Still...Ken Dodd
6. She Wears My Ring...Soloman King 

     3. With These Hands 

Paul Anka.

One more from "Bob"....and the message is there for all to see !!!...and some sense on the back sleeve !!

        2. All I Have To Do Is Dream

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Emile Ford.

A bit of a creepy front cover that hides some pretty neat cover versions of popular songs....sung very different from the originals !!....That's what I like to see and listen to...Anyone can do a copy of an original note for note!!!....Proves that some thought has gone into the production !!...It seems that this L/P was made and produced  by "Emile Ford"....No well known Record Label in fact the number on the record is ICPS 001 (Interclub Records Ltd)....So To me that suggests that it was made and on sale when he was doing his gigs....also proved by the fact of a Signature in the left hand corner.....But back the Music !!....Very clever use of the title and concept 100% for a different and good listen !!!.....Doesn't the back cover look as if it doesn't belong to the front!!!!....BUT it does !!!

1. What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For
2. I Can't Take My Eyes Off You
3. Rovin' Eyes
4. Bloodshot Eyes
5.Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
6. Spanish Eyes

1. Ma She's Making Eyes At Me
2. Eyes Of A Woman In Love
3. Yes Yes In Your Eyes
4. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
5. Jealous Eyes
6. Them There Eyes

      4. Bloodshot Eyes