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Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Das Grosse Wunschkonzert.

Here we have a treat for all the "German"visitors....This is the first time I have played and heard these L/P's...All the tracks except one I don't recognise but I should think that there will be many over the channel that will !!!!...Strange to hear "Happy Days Are Here Again"without "Barbra Streisand"!!!!

           11. Ay Ay Ay


  1. Usually not my musical home at all, but downloaded out of interest I am surprised what a pleasant atmosphere these sounds can still spread today, thank you very much for that!

  2. Hi Woody...Thanks for the comment glad you enjoyed the music...I am also surprised how varied this music blog is becoming..sooooooo more surprises could be on the way...Cheers...Luigi

  3. Hi Espo,
    Thank you for this one (and of course all the others!). Lots of old stuff. I am always amazed by the good bands there were in Germany during the 20's and 30's. Years ago in Toronto I hosted 10 three hour programmes featuring pre WWII dance bands in countries other than the UK and US, and Germany easily filled two of the shows. All music from my own(culled, alas) collection, but this one I do not have. Thanks again, Hans.

  4. Hi Hans...Thanks for your Kind comments...Glad you are enjoying the music you keep safe....cheers Espo/Luigi

  5. Many Greetings Luigi
    Also many good wishes from Bob...
    I want to thank you for this album to discover
    I hope everything is well with you and your loved ones
    Have a nice wekkend

  6. I Wonder if Our Gracie (Fields) had a holiday in Germany a while Ago !!
    Enjoy !
