Love Me or Leave Me is a 1955 biographical romantic musical drama film that tells the life story of Ruth Etting, a singer who rose from dancer to movie star. It stars Doris Day as Etting, James Cagney as gangster Martin "Moe the Gimp" Snyder, her first husband and manager, and Cameron Mitchell as pianist/arranger Johnny Alderman, her second husband. It was written by Daniel Fuchs and Isobel Lennart and directed by Charles Vidor.
1. Overture
2. It All Depends on You
3. You Made Me Love You
4. Stay On The Right Side Sister
5. Everybody Loves My Baby
6. Sam The Accordion Man
1. Shaking The Blues Away
2. What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry
3. I'll Never Stop Loving You
4. Never Look Back
5. At Sundown
6. Love Me Or Leave Me
7. Finale
One of Doris Day's finest films !
ReplyDeleteEnjoy !
Yes, a good one, so thanks. This one wwas made before she became a virgin.