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Thursday, 13 March 2025

Alice Babs

Swingtime Again is a 1998 music album featuring Alice Babs . In addition, Charlie Norman and Anders Berglund Big Band participate .After having been retired for 18 years she released this new album at the tender age of 74 !
The recording was made in Atlantis Studio in Stockholm between August 31 and September 5, 1998. 

1. Me And You
2. Its Wonderful
3. Sugar
4. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
5. Our Love Is Here To Stay
6. A Sailboat in The Moonlight
7. Swing It Magistern
8. I Don't Mind
9. Who's Got The Other Half of Heaven
10. Regntunga Skyar
11. I'm Checkin' Out Go'om Bye
12. Drop Me Off In Harlem
13. Bluer Than Blue
          8. I Don't Mind

1 comment:

  1. Not Bad For A 78 year old when she recorded this !!.....definitely an AAAAA1 Top L/P !
    Enjoy !
